All Classes and Interfaces

Create a VRS Allele object such as {'_id': 'ga4gh:VA.GuPzvZoansqNHPoXkQLXKo31VkTpDKsM', 'type': 'Allele', 'location': {'type': 'SequenceLocation', 'sequence_id': 'ga4gh:SQ.FOWokFmA__GgqWLtqFoWWDLuNEvvGwIJ', 'interval': {'type': 'SequenceInterval', 'start': {'type': 'Number', 'value': 48941647}, 'end': {'type': 'Number', 'value': 48941648}}}, 'state': {'type': 'LiteralSequenceExpression', 'sequence': 'T'}}
A PhenopacketToolsException that is thrown by PhenopacketConverter in case the provided data has incorrect format.
Make an educated guess regarding which top-level element of Phenopacket schema is represented in the provided byte[] or InputStream.
Make an educated guess of the format of a top-level element of Phenopacket schema.
An exception thrown when sniffing of the top-level element of Phenopacket schema cannot be performed.
A class with constants that correspond to the upper-level HPO organ-system phenotypic abnormalities.
Static factory class for getting PhenopacketValidators for top-level Phenopacket schema components.
A static factory class for providing validators for pointing out violations of the annotation propagation rule.
A static factory class for providing validators for checking annotation of organ systems.
A static factory class for providing PhenopacketValidators that check if HPO terms of the Phenopacket schema elements are present in a given Ontology and if the terms are non-obsolete.
An Individual in the version 2 phenopacket can have these attributes.
JsonSchemaValidationWorkflowRunner<T extends>
Validates if given top-level element satisfies the following criteria: data format requirements - for instance if the element is a valid JSON document if JSON input is provided basic Phenopacket schema syntax requirements - the requirements described by the reference documentation.
JsonSchemaValidationWorkflowRunnerBuilder<T extends>
Static factory class for providing PhenopacketValidators for performing metadata validation.
The enum members represent the top-level elements of the Phenopacket schema.
The enum members represent the supported representations of the top-level elements of the Phenopacket schema.
PhenopacketFormatConverter<T extends>
The implementors allow to convert between formats of the top-level elements of Phenopacket schema.
Static class to get PhenopacketFormatConverters for top-level elements of the Phenopacket schema.
The implementors can serialize a top-level element of Phenopacket schema into provided OutputStream.
The implementors provide PhenopacketPrinters for serializing top-level phenopacket elements into PhenopacketFormat using PhenopacketSchemaVersion.
A static utility class for obtaining JsonFormat.Parser and JsonFormat.Printer configured for printing Phenopacket Schema elements.
An enum with currently supported Phenopacket schema versions.
Base checked exception thrown by phenopacket-tools.
Base unchecked exception thrown by phenopacket-tools.
PhenopacketValidator<T extends>
PhenopacketValidator represents a single step of the validation workflow.
This has convenience methods for building PhenotypicFeature messages with some commonly used options.
Simple wrapper for a ReferenceRange unit: id: "UO:0000316" label: "cells per microliter" low: 150000.0 high: 450000.0
A checked exception thrown in case of encountering some content sniffing issues.
Catch-all class for succinct provision of status codes.
A class to serve comprehensive but not necessarily medically correct top-level elements of the Phenopacket schema, mainly usable for testing.
The TimeElement is used in many places in the Phenopacket.
Convert top-level elements of the phenopacket schema from v1 to v2 format.
ValidationLevel represents a severity level for ValidationResult.
ValidationResult contains results of a single validation step performed by a PhenopacketValidator.
ValidationResults contain validation results for one Phenopacket schema top-level element (Phenopacket, Family, or Cohort).
A builder for creating ValidationResults.
A record to use for writing ValidationResults by ValidationResultsWriter.
Write out validation results obtained from validation of a top-level Phenopacket schema element.
ValidationWorkflowDispatcher exposes endpoints for validating top-level elements of Phenopacket Schema and dispatches the data into the appropriate ValidationWorkflowRunner.
ValidationWorkflowRunner<T extends>
ValidationWorkflowRunner validates selected top-level element of the Phenopacket Schema.
ValidationWorkflowRunnerBuilder<T extends>
The base builder for constructing ValidationWorkflowRunner.
A description of a PhenopacketValidator.