Enclosing class:

public static class HpoPhenotypeValidators.Ancestry extends Object
A static factory class for providing validators for pointing out violations of the annotation propagation rule.

The validator checks observed and excluded phenotype terms. The observed terms are checked for a presence of an observed or an excluded ancestor, and a presence of such ancestor is pointed out as an error. For instance, Abnormality of finger or "NOT" Abnormality of finger must not be present in a patient annotated by Arachnodactyly. The most specific term (Arachnodactyly) must be used.

For the excluded terms, the validator checks for presence of an excluded children. Here, the least specific term must be used. For instance, "NOT" Arachnodactyly must not be present in a patient annotated with "NOT" Abnormality of finger. Only the "NOT" Abnormality of finger must be used.

  • Method Details

    • phenopacketHpoAncestryValidator

      public static PhenopacketValidator<org.phenopackets.schema.v2.PhenopacketOrBuilder> phenopacketHpoAncestryValidator( hpo)
      Get PhenopacketValidator to validate ancestry Phenopacket using provided Ontology.
      hpo - HPO ontology
    • familyHpoAncestryValidator

      public static PhenopacketValidator<org.phenopackets.schema.v2.FamilyOrBuilder> familyHpoAncestryValidator( hpo)
      Get PhenopacketValidator to validate ancestry Family using provided Ontology.
      hpo - HPO ontology
    • cohortHpoAncestryValidator

      public static PhenopacketValidator<org.phenopackets.schema.v2.CohortOrBuilder> cohortHpoAncestryValidator( hpo)
      Get PhenopacketValidator to validate ancestry Cohort using provided Ontology.
      hpo - HPO ontology