Enclosing class:

public static class HpoPhenotypeValidators.OrganSystem extends Object
A static factory class for providing validators for checking annotation of organ systems.

The validators check if each phenopacket or family/cohort member have annotation for an organ system represented by a top-level HPO term (e.g. Abnormality of limbs). The annotation comprises either one or more observed descendants (e.g. Arachnodactyly), or excluded top-level HPO term (NOT Abnormality of limbs).

  • Method Details

    • phenopacketHpoOrganSystemValidator

      public static PhenopacketValidator<org.phenopackets.schema.v2.PhenopacketOrBuilder> phenopacketHpoOrganSystemValidator( hpo, Collection<> organSystemTermIds)
      Get PhenopacketValidator to validate annotation of organ systems in a Phenopacket using provided Ontology and a collection of organ system TermIds.

      NOTE: the organ system TermId that is absent from the Ontology is disregarded and not used for validation.

      hpo - HPO ontology
      organSystemTermIds - a collection of HPO TermIds corresponding to organ systems.
    • familyHpoOrganSystemValidator

      public static PhenopacketValidator<org.phenopackets.schema.v2.FamilyOrBuilder> familyHpoOrganSystemValidator( hpo, Collection<> organSystemTermIds)
      Get PhenopacketValidator to validate annotation of organ systems in a Family using provided Ontology and a collection of organ system TermIds.

      NOTE: the organ system TermId that is absent from the Ontology is disregarded and not used for validation.

      hpo - HPO ontology
      organSystemTermIds - a collection of HPO TermIds corresponding to organ systems.
    • cohortHpoOrganSystemValidator

      public static PhenopacketValidator<org.phenopackets.schema.v2.CohortOrBuilder> cohortHpoOrganSystemValidator( hpo, Collection<> organSystemTermIds)
      Get PhenopacketValidator to validate annotation of organ systems in a Cohort using provided Ontology and a collection of organ system TermIds.

      NOTE: the organ system TermId that is absent from the Ontology is disregarded and not used for validation.

      hpo - HPO ontology
      organSystemTermIds - a collection of HPO TermIds corresponding to organ systems.