
public class AlleleBuilder extends Object
Create a VRS Allele object such as {'_id': 'ga4gh:VA.GuPzvZoansqNHPoXkQLXKo31VkTpDKsM', 'type': 'Allele', 'location': {'type': 'SequenceLocation', 'sequence_id': 'ga4gh:SQ.FOWokFmA__GgqWLtqFoWWDLuNEvvGwIJ', 'interval': {'type': 'SequenceInterval', 'start': {'type': 'Number', 'value': 48941647}, 'end': {'type': 'Number', 'value': 48941648}}}, 'state': {'type': 'LiteralSequenceExpression', 'sequence': 'T'}}
  • Method Details

    • variantId

      public AlleleBuilder variantId(String id)
    • chromosomeLocation

      public AlleleBuilder chromosomeLocation(String chrom)
    • interbaseStartEnd

      public AlleleBuilder interbaseStartEnd(int start, int end)
      Sequence ranges use an interbase coordinate system, which involves Two integers that define the start and end positions of a range of residues, possibly with length zero, and specified using “0-start, half-open” coordinates.
    • altAllele

      public AlleleBuilder altAllele(String alt)
    • sequenceId

      public AlleleBuilder sequenceId(String sequenceId)
    • builder

      public static AlleleBuilder builder()
    • build

      public org.ga4gh.vrs.v1.Allele build()
    • buildVariation

      public org.ga4gh.vrs.v1.Variation buildVariation()
      Wrap the Allele message in a Variation message
      The constructed Variant message that contains the Allele and if provided SequenceLocation information.