All Packages

Package Summary
A package with builders for top-level elements of Phenopacket Schema.
A package with convenience methods and builders for creating Phenopacket Schema building blocks.
The org.phenopackets.phenopackettools.builder.constants provides pre-defined constants from the recommended ontologies.
A package with constants and types used across the entire application, including the base exception classes.
The package offers functionality for reading and writing top-level elements of Phenopacket Schema.
A package with TestData - a static utility class for serving hard-coded phenopacket examples.
Defines utility methods for working with PhenopacketElements and PhenopacketFormats.
The package includes utilities for parsing and printing Phenopacket Schema elements from/to JSON format.
The package provides APIs and default implementations of phenopacket validation.
A package with exceptions that can be thrown by the validation code.
The package provides PhenopacketValidators for metadata validation - checking that MetaData of the top-level elements of the Phenopacket schema contains a Resource for all OntologyClasses of the element.
Package with off-the-shelf validators that work with Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO).
A package with API for serialization of ValidationResults.
The package provides JsonSchemaValidationWorkflowRunner and JsonSchemaValidationWorkflowRunnerBuilder for validating phenopackets.