Package org.phenopackets.phenopackettools.validator.core

package org.phenopackets.phenopackettools.validator.core
The package provides APIs and default implementations of phenopacket validation.


This section describes the actors of the validation workflow (the classes for representing behavior for "doing stuff"), starting from the basic elements.

PhenopacketFormatConverters is a static factory class for providing PhenopacketFormatConverters to convert the top-level elements of Phenopacket Schema between the supported PhenopacketFormats.

PhenopacketValidator represents a single step of the validation workflow.

ValidationWorkflowRunner applies the PhenopacketValidators of the validation workflow in the correct order, ensuring the base validation is always run as first. The ValidationWorkflowRunner validates a top-level element.

The ValidationWorkflowDispatcher exposes methods for validating all top-level elements of the Phenopacket Schema.

Value objects

The package includes stateful objects with no complex behavior starting from the most complex objects.

The ValidationWorkflowRunner and ValidationWorkflowDispatcher return ValidationResults, a container with results of the validation workflow.

ValidationResult contains results of a single validation step.

ValidatorInfo describes the PhenopacketValidator.