Validating Phenopackets

Phenopackets schema uses protobuf, an exchange format developed in 2008 by Google. We refer readers to the excellent Wikipedia page on Protobuf and to Google’s documentation for details. In Protobuf (version 3, which is what the Phenopacket Schema uses), all fields are optional. However, the Phenopacket Schema defines certain fields as required. (See documentation for details). Moreover, projects and consortia can require application of specific constraints and requirements for the phenopackets.

Phenopacket-tools provides an extensible API for validation of all schema components, including a model of validation workflow and validation results.

This document outlines the validation workflow API and demonstrates how to use the off-the-shelf validators present in the phenopacket-tools library.

Validation workflow

The validation workflow consists of a list of steps. The workflow includes a mandatory base validation step that validates syntax and cardinality of each component, to verify the basic requirements of Phenopacket Schema, such as presence of identifier fields and metadata. The base validation is implemented using JSON schema and Java code (MetaDataValidator).

The workflow can be extended by any number of validation steps for checking specific logical or semantic requirements. Phenopacket-tools offers an API for the validation steps to allow encoding custom validation logic as well as several off-the-shelf validators.

The central element of the validation API is PhenopacketValidator<T extends MessageOrBuilder> that represents a single validation step. The validator is generic over T where T must be a top-level element of the Phenopacket Schema: Phenopacket, Family, or Cohort. The validator is identified by ValidationInfo with the name, type and description of the validation functionality. The validation reports any errors as ValidationResult objects, one result per error. The execution of the workflow is orchestrated by the ValidationWorkflowRunner. The runner applies the validators in the correct order, ensuring that the base validation is done first, and gathers the results into a ValidationResults container. The container represents the results of the validation as immutable value objects, ValidatorInfo, ValidationResult, suitable for reporting back to the user.

Base validation workflow

Let’s demonstrate setting up of the base validation workflow for phenopacket validation.

ValidationWorkflowRunner<PhenopacketOrBuilder> runner = JsonSchemaValidationWorkflowRunner.phenopacketBuilder()

The JsonSchemaValidationWorkflowRunner provides factory methods for getting a workflow runner builder for phenopacket, family, and cohort. The validation workflow can be extended by calling builder methods. However, in this case we are only interested in the base validation, hence we conclude the building by calling the build() method.

As a convenience, the runner can validate phenopacket in several different input types:

// A path
Path path = Path.of("bethlem-myopathy.json");
ValidationResults results = runner.validate(path);

// An input stream
try (InputStream is = new FileInputStream(path.toFile())) {
    results = runner.validate(is);

// A byte array
try (InputStream is = new FileInputStream(path.toFile())) {
    results = runner.validate(is.readAllBytes());

// A JSON/YAML string
try (BufferedReader reader = Files.newBufferedReader(path)) {
    String jsonString = reader.lines().collect(Collectors.joining(System.lineSeparator()));
    results = runner.validate(jsonString);

// Or a phenopacket.
PhenopacketParser parser = PhenopacketParserFactory.getInstance()
Phenopacket phenopacket = (Phenopacket) parser.parse(path);
results = runner.validate(phenopacket);

JsonSchemaValidationWorkflowRunner provides static factory method for getting builders for all top-level elements of Phenopacket Schema:

ValidationWorkflowRunner<PhenopacketOrBuilder> phenopacket = JsonSchemaValidationWorkflowRunner.phenopacketBuilder()

ValidationWorkflowRunner<FamilyOrBuilder> family = JsonSchemaValidationWorkflowRunner.familyBuilder()

ValidationWorkflowRunner<CohortOrBuilder> cohort = JsonSchemaValidationWorkflowRunner.cohortBuilder()

To validation workflow can be introspected by calling validators() method:

ValidationWorkflowRunner<PhenopacketOrBuilder> runner = JsonSchemaValidationWorkflowRunner.phenopacketBuilder()

List<ValidatorInfo> validators = runner.validators();


The validation returns ValidationResults, a container object that aggregates issues discovered by all validators of the workflow.

ValidationResults results = runner.validate(path);

The results.isValid() returns true if no validation errors were discovered:

assert results.isValid();

The results has information regarding the applied validation checks:

List<ValidatorInfo> validators = results.validators();

and the discovered issues (if any):

List<ValidationResult> issues = results.validationResults();


ValidationResult represents a single validation issue. The object is a simple POJO/value object with several attributes:

ValidationResult issue = issues.get(0);

// The validator that pointed out the issue.
ValidatorInfo validatorInfo = issue.validatorInfo();

// The issue severity (warning or error).
ValidationLevel level = issue.level();

// Category of the issue, useful for grouping the issues.
// One validator can produce issues with different categories.
String category = issue.category();

// A message targeted for the user.
String message = issue.message();

The API documentation of the core validation API can be found in the org.phenopackets.phenopackettools.validator.core module.

Off-the-shelf validators

Additional constraints and requirements may be made for phenopackets that are used in a specific project or for a specific collaboration or consortium.

For instance, one may want to require that phenopackets made for rare-disease diagnostics include age of the proband and use Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO) terms to represent phenotypic features. Additionally, one may want to enforce requirements that are difficult to encode using JSON Schema, such as that only a valid term id is used (currently, the HPO has over 16,000 terms), or that the phenopacket does not encode both a term and a parent or ancestor of the term, or that the phenopacket annotates or excludes abnormality in selected organ systems.

Here we use a bunch of off-the-shelf validators from phenopacket-tools to show a validation workflow for checking the above requirements. Let’s start by creating a validation workflow runner builder:

JsonSchemaValidationWorkflowRunnerBuilder<PhenopacketOrBuilder> builder = JsonSchemaValidationWorkflowRunner.phenopacketBuilder();

Custom validation

Phenopacket-tools offers a validator for enforcing custom requirements encoded as JSON schema. In the context of the example above, a project may require including age of the proband and use HPO terms to represent phenotypic features, as well as presence of a certain number of phenotypic features.

Let’s write a JSON schema document hpo-rare-disease-schema.json to enforce the requirements.

Custom JSON schema header

To use a JSON schema with phenopacket-tools, the schema header must include the following elements:

  "$schema": "",
  "$id": "",
  "title": "HPO Rare Disease Phenopacket Schema",
  "description": "An example JSON schema for validating a phenopacket in context of the rare-disease research",
  "type": "object"

The elements are used for the following purpose:

  • $schema - phenopacket-tools uses draft 2019-09 JSON schema specification. The $schema element MUST be present in the document and it MUST use the 2019-09 specification.

  • $id - identifier of the schema, used at validator.validatorInfo().validatorId().

  • title - name of the schema for human consumption, used in validator.validatorInfo().validatorName().

  • description - a short description of the validation check, used in validator.validatorInfo().description().

  • type - JSON schema and JSON allows several data types, e.g. number, string, object, boolean, etc. Here we are writing a JSON schema for validating a phenopacket, family, or cohort. Therefore, the type must be an object.

Custom JSON schema body

Now, let’s constrain the schema to first check that the time at last encounter is specified in the phenopacket subject. To encode this in JSON schema, we require presence of a subject property in phenopacket. The snippet follows the JSON schema header and instructs the JSON schema validator to check presence of the subject field. The subject is an object and we can add a description to self-document the schema. Phenopacket Schema does not require presence of the subject. However, here we make subject a required field, hence presence of the required clause:

  // The header ...
  "properties": {
    "subject": {
      "type": "object",
      "description": "The subject element is required for a rare-disease Phenopacket"
  "required": [ "subject" ]

Next, we add a constraint to the subject field to require presence of the time at last encounter. We do this by requiring timeAtLastEncounter in the subject:

  // The header ...
  "properties": {
    "subject": {
      "type": "object",
      "description": "The subject element is required for a rare-disease Phenopacket",
      "properties": {
        "timeAtLastEncounter": {
          "type": "object",
          "description": "The time at last encounter is required for a rare-disease phenopacket"
      "required": [ "timeAtLastEncounter" ]
  "required": [ "subject" ]

We can encode additional checks using JSON schema syntax. See the JSON schema document described in custom-json-schema - validate custom requirements section for additional examples.

Use custom JSON schema

Phenopacket-tools validation API supports including custom JSON schema in the validation workflow. The custom schema can be added into the builder created in the previous section (Off-the-shelf validators) by:

Path customSchema = Path.of("hpo-rare-disease-schema.json");

The addJsonSchema() adds a step for using the JSON schema in the validation workflow.

Phenotype validators

The validation we discussed until now was fairly simple; it included checking presence, absence, or formatting of Phenopacket Schema components. However, sometimes we may need to check relationships between individual components.

For instance, in the context of rare-disease research and diagnostics, we may want to check if all phenotypic features are encoded using valid HPO terms and if the phenotypic annotations are logically consistent. For instance, using both a term (e.g. Perimembranous ventricular septal defect) and its ancestor (e.g. Ventricular septal defect ) is a logical error, because an annotation with a specific HPO term (e.g., a patient with perimembranous VSD by necessity also has VSD).

In this section, we describe validators that use HPO file to perform several checks that can be useful in many contexts. The API documentation and the corresponding Java classes can be found in org.phenopackets.phenopackettools.validator.core.phenotype package.

Primary validation

The HpoPhenotypeValidator checks if the HPO terms used by a phenopacket are valid - well-formatted and present in the given HPO file, and current - not obsolete. If an obsolete term is found, the validator suggests a replacement with the current term.

In code, we add the primary validation into the validation workflow by running:

Ontology hpo = OntologyLoader.loadOntology(new File("hp.json"));
PhenopacketValidator<PhenopacketOrBuilder> primary = HpoPhenotypeValidators.Primary.phenopacketHpoPhenotypeValidator(hpo);

The validator requires an HPO Ontology object. We use Phenol library to parse the HPO JSON file. The OntologyLoader is part of phenol-io module, you may need to add an appropriate dependency into your build file.

Ancestry validation

The HpoAncestryValidator checks if the HPO terms are logically consistent; the phenotype features do not include both a term and its ancestor.

Apart from a mere id of the phenotype feature, Phenopacket Schema also models observation status of a feature. A feature can be either present/observed, or absent/excluded in the subject. The ancestry validator takes the observation status into the account, which leads to several possible outcomes regarding validity of a term combination:

Tonic seizure (Term)

Seizure (Ancestor)

Is valid





Tonic seizure is a type of Seizure. Use the most specific term (Tonic seizure).




Absence of a Seizure implies absence of the Tonic seizure. Use the less specific term (Seizure).




Absence of a Seizure implies absence of the Tonic seizure. Keep one of the terms depending on the case context.




A valid phenotype term combination. A subject can be annotated with a term and having a sub-type excluded at the same time.

Using ancestry validator in the validator workflow is fairly straightforward if we can get ahold of a HPO Ontology object:

PhenopacketValidator<PhenopacketOrBuilder> ancestry = HpoPhenotypeValidators.Ancestry.phenopacketHpoAncestryValidator(hpo);

Organ system validation

In some cases it may be desirable to ensure presence of annotation for specific organ systems. For instance, phenopackets that represent patients with Marfan syndrome may require annotation of three organ systems:

  • Eye

  • Cardiovascular system

  • Respiratory system

To annotate organ system, we either exclude the corresponding top-level HPO term or by adding a descendent term:

Organ system

Top-level HPO term

Example descendent


Abnormality of the eye

Ectopia lentis

Cardiovascular system

Abnormality of the cardiovascular system

Mitral regurgitation

Respiratory system

Abnormality of the respiratory system


The HpoOrganSystemValidator requires HPO Ontology and a list of top-level HPO terms:

List<TermId> organSystemIds = List.of(HpoOrganSystems.EYE, HpoOrganSystems.CARDIOVASCULAR, HpoOrganSystems.RESPIRATORY);
PhenopacketValidator<PhenopacketOrBuilder> organSystem = HpoPhenotypeValidators.OrganSystem.phenopacketHpoOrganSystemValidator(hpo, organSystemIds);

Phenopacket-tools includes a convenience class HpoOrganSystems with IDs of the commonly-used top-level HPO terms. However, any valid term ID can be used for the organ system validation. For instance, List.of(TermId.of("HP:0001250")) validates annotation of a Seizure (HP:0001250).

See also

Check out the org.phenopackets.phenopackettools.validator.core and org.phenopackets.phenopackettools.validator.jsonschema modules for more information regarding the public validation API.