Creating Phenopackets
Google’s Protocol Buffer (protobuf) framework automatically generates Java bindings for building and working with Phenopackets. However, the code can be unwieldy. Additionally, many users of the phenopacket framework will want to use a recommended set of ontology terms for specific kinds of data. Phenopacket-tools library provides terms and constants that are more convenient to use than manually creating the equivalent message.
This section exemplifies usage of PhenotypicFeatureBuilder, one of many builders provided by the org.phenopackets.phenopackettools.builder module.
phenopacket-tools builder pattern
In this example, let’s imagine we want to create a PhenotypicFeature
element to denote that severe weakness of the
left triceps muscle was observed in a patient at the age of 11 years and 4 months. First, let us code this using
the Phenopacket code that is automatically generated by the protobuf framework.
OntologyClass tricepsWeakness = OntologyClass.newBuilder()
.setLabel("Triceps weakness")
OntologyClass left = OntologyClass.newBuilder()
OntologyClass severe = OntologyClass.newBuilder()
Age iso8601duration = Age.newBuilder().setIso8601Duration("P11Y4M").build();
TimeElement ageElement = TimeElement.newBuilder().setAge(iso8601duration)
PhenotypicFeature phenotypicFeature = PhenotypicFeature.newBuilder()
The following code block uses functions from the phenopacket-tools library to simplify the creation
of this PhenotypicFeature
PhenotypicFeature phenotypicFeature2 = PhenotypicFeatureBuilder.builder("HP:0031108", "Triceps weakness")
Both code snippets generate identical phenopacket code.
"type": {
"id": "HP:0031108",
"label": "Triceps weakness"
"severity": {
"id": "HP:0012828",
"label": "Severe"
"modifiers": [{
"id": "HP:0012835",
"label": "Left"
"onset": {
"age": {
"iso8601duration": "P11Y4M"
See also
See the API documentation of the org.phenopackets.phenopackettools.builder module for a comprehensive list of ontology constants, convenience methods, and builders provided by the phenopacket-tools library.
Several detailed examples are available in the phenopackets-tools-cli
module in the